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  • Writer's pictureChristine Labrum

Trust the Shepherd

There are challenging seasons in life. We know it, and we live it. So what does intentional rest and soul stewardship look and feel like in the midst of difficult seasons? How do I turn my attention to and gaze upon God? Can I soak in the goodness of God? And will I receive the renewal God provides in these seasons?

Yesterday I sat in front of the fireplace at a friend's house. I sought to pay attention. It has been more difficult to be still lately, but the warmth of friendship and the beauty of the flames settled my soul. I sensed God's invitation. I turned my heart's gaze toward God, and I listened.

A phrase echoed in my heart "I am drenched with God's mercy." I had spent some time with 1 Peter 2: 4-10 recently, and The Passion Translation (click link for passage) of God's Word caught me anew. The truth shimmered—casting light.

Trust the Shepherd

The night before I had started a new drawing. I sketched pencil lines to lay out the picture—an image of a hand reaching toward a lamb. It captured me.

As I sat before the fire I used a fine black pen and began to place precise black marks on the rough watercolor paper. One mark at a time, slowly and intentionally. My attention was drawn to the face of the lamb. My drawing mirrored my vulnerable lamb-like self. I felt my scrambled, distraction-driven soul settle. I was reminded of the Divine Shepherd's presence and of God's compassionate pursuit of me, and of you.

Consider the Shepherd's pursuit of your heart. Psalm 23 is a beautiful picture.


The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.

I have all that I need.

I have all that I need.

Today you provide all that I need.

Notice what is needed - Selah

The Shepherd makes me to lie down in green pastures,

He lets me rest in green meadows… He invites me to rest…

Can I receive his rest? I can receive his rest. I can say yes to my Shepherd.

Will I say “yes”?

He leads me beside peaceful streams.

He leads me beside still waters.

My heart longs for stillness, for peace, for shalom.

May I soak in his peace - Selah

The Shepherd restores my soul; He brings healing to my life;

He renews my strength; He is the source of my strength.

He guides me along right paths, true paths for His name’s sake…

bringing honor to His Name.

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, the darkness of uncertainty,

the valley of opposition, the valley of the shadow of death.

I will fear no evil, I will fear no enemy, I will not be afraid… for you are with me, you are close beside me, you are with me…

and I am not alone.

Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

Notice the pain, my pain - notice His protection - Selah

You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You provide for me before my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. You have named me.

My cup overflows with blessings. Can I see… let me see… your blessing to me.

Can I see… let me see… let me know your blessing of me.

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life,

Your goodness and kindness chases after me. Video Meditation

Your goodness and kindess pursues me. and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

Recognize His goodness with gratitude-Selah

I yield to your love, Shepherd of my heart.

I will live with you, I will dwell with you,

I will partner with you, I will rest with you.

You are my home.


Abba, let us together and individually, be sensitive to the lead of our Shepherd and the Spirit.

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